Let me introduce myself —
Hello! 👋🏼
My name is Meghan — I’m the person behind the screen here. Let me introduce myself & how The Traveling Silversmith came to be:
I am a full-time silversmith & small business owner based in Seattle, Washington. I own Meghan Elisabeth Art (MEA), a jewelry company that makes delicate sterling silver and turquoise jewelry (I say that like it’s more than just me — but it’s just me. I do the making, the marketing, the selling, the whole shebang)
Photo curtesy of Camille Docena (camilledocena.com)
At the beginning of 2022, my partner and I decided we were feeling a little too “adult” for our age (thanks, Covid) and that we weren’t getting outside or traveling as much as we wanted to. So we started the process of moving onto the road — full-time.
We bought a truck camper in February of 2022 (on my birthday 🎉), bought a truck, and began the process of selling our stuff & downsizing. A year later (January of 2023, aka now) we’ve finished the truck camper set up and are shaking down the rig to get ready to go-go (does that make anyone else think of Zoolander?)
Meet Bruce! (He’s a big boy)
Come February of 2023, we’ll be living full-time in the rig (lovingly named Bruce after the shark in Finding Nemo).
Thus, The Traveling Silversmith was born.
Why, exactly though? I am tired of the incessant hustle and false positivity of social media (and tired of a fraction of my audience seeing what I share). So here comes the amateur writer in me coming out to share my travels, behind-the-scenes of silversmithing on the road, and some of the life stuff in-between.
The goal: lose the perfectionism, allow my personality to shine through to my audience, and create content that feels good to share (you won’t see any sales-y stuff here).
As of now, The Traveling Silversmith is a free newsletter that is released every other Tuesday. You can subscribe to be notified!
I’m hoping this will become the starting place for my content moving forward, but if you’d like to see more surrounding my silversmithing work (including shop updates, events & more) you can follow Meghan Elisabeth Art on Instagram, join the MEA email list, or keep tabs on the MEA website.
Thanks for being here! If you have any requests or ideas about what you’d like to see, let me know — this is an ever-changing space ❤️
Talk soon!
xo Meghan
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