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Commissions are a beautiful way to participate in the creative process of an art piece. If you would like to help design a piece or recreate an MEA design with full access to my stone collection or have your own stone(s) you would like made into wearable art,

commissioning a piece is the perfect option.

If you’re ready to start the process, complete the zero-commitment commission request below for individualized information. If I am a good fit for the project, I’ll send you a pricing estimate & more information about the process!


The step-by-step process of an mea commission:


Need-to-knows when commissioning MEA:

  • The commission request must fit in the aesthetic design and vision of the Meghan Elisabeth Art brand. If it does not fit, I will unfortunately have to pass on the project.

  • If you do not like or want the final piece, I have the right to sell it to my audience unless we have discussed otherwise.

  • Either party, you or Meghan Elisabeth Art, may discontinue the commission relationship at any time.

  • If communication is lost and/or payment is not received within 1 month of completing the commission, I have the right to sell the piece to my audience.

  • Most commissions have a 3 month turn around from finalizing the design to the finished piece! However, this may fluctuate depending on the season and complexity of the requested piece.

    Timeline will be discussed at the beginning of our communication, but you can always send me an email to see what the wait is currently like.

    If you have a specific timeline in mind, let me know. An expedited timeline may be possible with an additional charge.

  • If the design changes or needs your input at any point during creation, I will reach out with photos via email for your feedback.

    If you change your mind on the design after it has been finalized, I can accommodate these changes with no additional cost only if silver-work doesn’t need to be redone. Restarting the project with a new timeline and stones is another no-additional cost option.

    Design edits that require silver-work to be redone can be done with an additional charge.

  • Once the invoice is paid, your piece will be in the mail within 1-5 business days! Unless otherwise requested, I will ship it via USPS Ground Shipping with tracking.

    A $5 shipping fee will be automatically included in your invoice. Shipping can be upgraded with an additional charge.

  • Sometimes (but rarely!) stones break when they are set. If this happens with your piece, I will contact you to pick out another stone.

    If you picked out a stone from my collection & it resulted in the piece being completed outside the predetermined timeline, the commission price will be discounted by 10%.

    If the stone was provided by you, you will have the option to pick out a stone from my collection with the commission price reduced by 10%, or I will refund the deposit in full.

*If you provide your own stone(s):

  • Once the design is confirmed and pricing estimate is determined, you’ll receive an invoice via email for a non-refundable 50% deposit. Once the deposit is paid, silver-work and the timeline will begin!

  • At the completion of your piece, the final 50% plus any additional charges will be due prior to shipment.

  • If you do not like the final piece, you may either have the piece sent to you upon completion of payment, or I will extract the stone to either return to you or redo the commission. If a commission is redone, it is treated as a new commission with a non-refundable 50% deposit.


I do not charge extra for commissioned work!

Pricing is determined by stone cost and labor time. A price estimate will be communicated once the design has been finalized at the beginning of the commission process. Note: labor time will be higher if it is a new design.

A $5 shipping charge for USPS Ground Shipping will automatically be applied in the invoice. If your piece will be shipped to a Washington state address, you will also be charged sales tax.

Payment is due once you’ve seen photos of the final piece + know you want it!

Note: If communication is lost and/or payment is not received within 1 month of completing the commission, Meghan Elisabeth Art has the right to sell the piece.

Additional charges

Additional charges may occur in the following circumstances and the amount(s) will be communicated at that time:

  • Expedited timeline

  • Design edits that require silver-work to be redone

  • Upgraded shipping cost



Complete your commission request here:

Have reference photos? Email them to