The molly & meghan collection

A collaboration between Molly Hueffed and Meghan Elisabeth Art to combine ceramic stones with sterling silver for an entirely handmade, one-of-a-kind jewelry collection.


The second iteration

is live!


A collaboration between Molly Hueffed and Meghan Elisabeth Art, this collection combines ceramic stones with sterling silver to make entirely handmade, one-of-a kind jewelry!

The beauty of this collection: Molly made the ceramic pieces without any input from me, and I made the final jewelry pieces without any input from her. The hope: An exercise of letting go, responding to the emotions Molly’s art invokes, & creating what comes naturally. A true collaboration and exercise of creativity —

What was made in this collection is one-of-a-kind & won’t be made again — when it’s gone, it’s gone! Snag your favorite piece!